We LEVEL Concrete to Suit Your Needs

You and your property matter to us. Trip hazards pose a liability and risk to property owners. Trip/fall litigation are stressful and expensive, and the repair is still required. Your property could have unforeseen risks. It is our goal to help ensure safety for you, your tenants, patrons, visitors, members, and customers. Our team, systems, and equipment have been tested through years of experience in the industry. We are a systems based company, and we hold a record of outstanding customer satisfaction.

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Our process uses a concrete grinding and planing machine with diamond or carbide cutters depending on the surface. These specialized machines shave down uneven concrete, leaving the adjoining concrete flush. After the hazard is removed, we dry finish the concrete to gently smooth the surface. Unlike cutting techniques, our slopes are compliant with ADA REQUIREMENTS, with minimal disruption to adjacent surfaces, and leveling the hazard from edge to edge.



Lowered or sunken concrete can pose a hazard. Our lifting process involves drilling a hole (port), and injecting a specially formulated grout material under the concrete in specific areas to raise the concrete to the desired level, and rebuild the sub-base. After the concrete level and base is restored, the ports are cleaned, and restored with concrete, and finished to the appropriate surface.



Concrete repair is necessary for damaged areas. This is especially common for curbs and curbface walks, especially after snow removal season.

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